Svetoslava Nanovska, psychologist (M. Sc.) /qualified graphologist

- 5 years of psychology studies at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg in Germany, earned degree: Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, Neurosciences and Rehabilitation sciences
- 5 years of sleep research at the Clinic for Psychiatry und Psychotherapy of the University Clinic of Freiburg
- Scientific presentations, including at the DGSM-Congress in Wiesbaden on topic „Polysomnographic characteristics of psychiatric disorders: a meta-analysis“
- Co-author of scientific articles, published in international/American journals (see below)
- 3 years of graphology studies at the Professional Association of Certified Graphologists/Psychologists, München (
- Languages: Bulgarian, German, English, Spanish

- Feige, B., Nanovska, S., Baglioni, C., Bier, B., Cabrera, L., Diemers, S. et al. (2018). Insomnia-perchance a dream? Results from a NREM/REM sleep awakening study in good sleepers and patients with insomnia. Sleep, 41(5).
- Baglioni, C., Nanovska, S., Regen, W., Spiegelhalder, K., Feige, B., Nissen, C. et al. (2016). Sleep and Mental Disorders: A Meta-Analysis of Polysomnographic Research. Psychol Bull, 142(9), 969-990.
- Spiegelhalder, K., Regen, W., Nanovska, S., Baglioni, C., Riemann, D. (2013). Comorbid sleep disorders in neuropsychiatric disorders across the life cycle. Curr Psychiat Rep, 15(6), 364.